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Shooters Choice Dover, DE
Address: 5105 N. Dupont Hwy
  Dover, Delaware 19901
Phone: 302-736-5166
Facilities: Public range, Indoor Pistol (25 yds), Indoor Rifle (25 yds)
0.0 out of 5.0
(0 ratings)
Views: 6885
Photos: 0
Address: Corner of RDS 419 & 420
  Gumboro, Delaware 19966
Phone: 302-537-2172
Facilities: Private range, Outdoor Pistol (40 yds), Outdoor Rifle (400 yds)
0.0 out of 5.0
(0 ratings)
Views: 7729
Photos: 0
Address: 2836 Pulaski Highway (Rt.
  Newark, Delaware 19702
Phone: 302-834-9320
Facilities: Public range, Trap
0.0 out of 5.0
(0 ratings)
Views: 12742
Photos: 0
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